I started playing mahjong about a year and a half ago (May 2009 was when I registered my first ID on Tenhou) and I guess since then I've achieved some measure of acknowledgment in the English-speaking mahjong community as a guy who plays a lot of mahjong and kind of knows what he's doing. I really like this game, but I feel that, as a player, I haven't really been progressing lately. My account hit 2-dan more than a year ago but since then I've basically stagnated. I rose to 3-dan at some point but this month I've just been getting thrashed in the lower-dan lobby, enough to regress a rank. I also dropped from 5-dan down to 4-dan in 3-player, and my rate in both areas is pretty mediocre (or worse). After spending about a week getting demolished in 3p jansou mode, I decided it was time to shape up.
So, I made a new ID.

The purpose of this blog is to log my games as I make my way towards my goal (the middle-dan lobby, or 4-dan R1800+) in 4p. I'm sure I'll play a fair amount of 3p as well but I'm not setting any goals there because that game is way too hard for me to play consistently (personally I think it's kind of a joke. A fun joke, though.) I'm hoping that the process of chronicling and analyzing my games as I play them will help me grow as a player. I'm sure if I keep at it I can find my bad habits and try to correct them. The other option would be to learn Japanese and dig into the wealth of information about the game available on the web, but I'm a lazy shit so that's probably never happening.
I may also use this space to post various things that pop into my head, like strategy talk or complaints about how ura-dora only shows up when I'm the one dealing in or whatever. I'm also considering recording some games and doing live commentary as I play, but that'll probably have to wait until I rank up enough to get into the lower-dan lobby. I'll try to keep this from becoming "VgameT's self-masturbatory progress blog" at any rate. To facilitate this, here is my disclaimer:
Everything that I post on this blog is just some stupid shit I came up with on my own. I don't know a damn thing about this game. Don't take anything I say here as a fact, or even as legitimate advice, because I am a Dumb Motherfucker.
If you see me say something that's completely wrong please feel free to tell me how stupid I am in the comments! My goal here is to get good at the game, not wave my mahjong dick all over the place. Please support me on my journey to find the Top...of Mahjong.
I think this is a good way to learn~
ReplyDeleteKeep playing and updating. If you could read some theory too, don't overlook it.
You don't have bad habits, so you can get very good if you improve. Aim towards houou.
VgameT has been like my 3p rival or something since we both started playing. Linking to this on the blag.
ReplyDelete- TACOS
Oh, word. Thanks dude :> Beep me on IRC if you ever want to play! I'm usually up for a game unless I'm asleep or something.