As per Kime's advice in the comments of my last post I'm gonna try tonpuusen rounds for the night. He's right in that hanchans are pretty much just wasting time at this point, especially in the lower ranks where one tonpuusen win is enough to push me up. I also noticed a trend last night where I would get a good lead in the beginning of the game and then lose it by the end, so maybe cutting out the last half of the round will stop me from hemorrhaging points so much. It should make these posts a little shorter, too, since there'll be less hands to commentate on. Also, I'm gonna listen to Pizzicato Five tonight. I think I was listening to them at the beginning of the Summer #mahjong League when I pulled a daisangen out of my ass, so hopefully they'll bring me some luck again.
Tonight's goal is to think harder about my discards. My defensive game was pretty decent last night but some mistakes in my discards cost me more than once. You can't see this in the replays, but I rarely spend more than 1 or 2 seconds thinking about a cut. I need to stop coasting so much, since it's clearing bringing me down. I just gotta focus. Focus! Focus harder!

Game 1: 1位 辞世テンプレート(+46.0) ママには内緒♪(-37.0) トート(-22.0) 卍saru卍(+13.0)
Yeah! That's more like it. A haneman in East-1 was enough to keep me in 1st the entire game. I spent the rest of the game moving forward and then retreating in various ways. I'm glad I riichi'd in East-1, though! If I hadn't, I would have dropped to 2nd in the end.
Game 2: 4位 辞世テンプレート(-46.0) tama222(+14.0) NoName(+52.0) yosuke3(-20.0)
Okay, less like it. This one is completely my fault though. I decided to drop the possible sanshoku in East-1 in favor of chanta, which was the wrong thing to do. Throwing out a riichi in East-3 was pretty dumb too. I was thinking 'well, if I take apart my hand I'll just end up in East-4 with less points and only one shot and getting out of 4th' but that still would have been preferable to dealing in, and declaring riichi basically guaranteed that 36p wasn't going to come out anyways. In East-4 I decided not to declare riichi for some reason, which immediately backfired as I lost my shot at an ippatsu tsumo and a possible comeback baiman. This was really terrible. I suck.
Game 3: 3位 辞世テンプレート(-16.0) 黒猪(-36.0) おげおげ(+8.0) Mg2+(+44.0)
Probably shouldn't have let the nan go in East-2. Otherwise, I just couldn't get a winning hand together. Props to 黒猪 for making a kan to give my shimo-cha two extra dora, causing the round to end when he dealt in. Thanks for that, jerk.
Game 4: 2位 辞世テンプレート(+14.0) BH(-49.0) NoName(+49.0) kondoh(-14.0)
This BH dude should work on his defense a little. Not much to say here. I'm glad I picked the right wait in East-4. It would have taken 3 uradora to get 1st but at least I came close! I've always considered 2nd place a victory in its own right.
Game 5: 2位 辞世テンプレート(+6.0) じいちゃん(-25.0) MONOSTER(+61.0) NoName(-42.0)
Made the mistake of cutting 8p instead of 1p in East-2, which backfired when I drew another one immediately afterwards, leaving me 1shanten instead of in tenpai. Spent the rest of that hand in various flavours of noten until the 2dan R1966 cut a live chun turn 15 to deal into a mangan. Good going, bud. I made the executive decision to go for a cheap tanyao in East-3 to prevent my shimo-cha from assembling a honitsu. I guess that wasn't actually necessary, looking at the replay, but oh well. I chased sanshoku for a while in East-4-0 but eventually called just so I wouldn't be in noten when the game drew, and then MONOSTER pulled out a hilarious 5-uradora baiman before I could assemble my tanyao dora-2. Another 2nd place finish...I guess it could be worse. I'm at 1 win out of 10 games, though. That kind of sucks.
My focus is waning but I'm going to play one more game. I want to pull my rate back above 1500 and hit 8kyu before the night ends. We'll see!
Game 6: 1位 辞世テンプレート(+41.0) NUUUUUUU(-40.0) おむあいす(+11.0) tokuton(-12.0)
I took some risks I probably shouldn't have, and I very, very narrowly escaped falling into 2nd in East-4-1. But whatever, I totally won. Ya'll can just take it.

Here's where we stand now. It's been a rough start but I'm hoping that my next couple of sessions will even out those numbers some. Till next time!
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